# I Migration

Αυτή η σελίδα δεν είναι μεταφρασμένη προς το παρόν.

iMIGRATION – I’m migration!

Inter Alia strongly supports the “I Migration” campaign https://www.facebook.com/imigrationngo?fref=ts.

The campaign aims at changing perceptions about migrants by lifting stereotypes and prejudice, that result in any kind of discrimination againstthem. Our starting point is that we are ALL migrants and all migrants have much to offer.

Show your support to the cause, change the idea of what a migrant is by showing that we are all migrants. We are all in the same boat. Feel free to share it, print it, and use it for educational purposes if you identify with our message. Use ‪#‎iMigration to spread the word and show our unity.

Wanna join?

–       Like and post the FB page: https://www.facebook.com/imigrationngo
–       Follow #IMIGRATION on Twitter
–       Make a selfie and post it further stating the #IMIGRATION and I AM MIGRATION
–       Visit the YouTube Channel, watch and share the videos
–       Tell us at boneva@interaliaproject.com how to expand our idea and create a bigger impact.
The campaign started during the COHESION training course organized by CESIE under Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ project in which Inter Alia was partner.